When Good Guys Turn Bad
What is it about a good guy that will turn him bad?
What is the final straw, the defining moment that will take a friendly,
carting decent human-being and push him to the extreme of selfishnes,
cruelty and the egocentric existence of a true villian?
There can be only a short list of explanations for this flip in personality.
Usually a woman would be at the top, but to blame another person wouldn´t account for the
internal struggle that takes place to cause this moral misplacement. The trigger-
wheather a woman, work conflict or mutantious goo from outer space-
is only the foil that brings the dark side to foreground.
A dark side that lurks ready to grab hold on of the firstcrack in a good guy´s armour and spin this weakness into a web of havoc and despair.

Cheers for that Mate ;D
BY the way, ive been called in for 6 interview´s today.
DAAMN im good! ;D
What is the final straw, the defining moment that will take a friendly,
carting decent human-being and push him to the extreme of selfishnes,
cruelty and the egocentric existence of a true villian?
There can be only a short list of explanations for this flip in personality.
Usually a woman would be at the top, but to blame another person wouldn´t account for the
internal struggle that takes place to cause this moral misplacement. The trigger-
wheather a woman, work conflict or mutantious goo from outer space-
is only the foil that brings the dark side to foreground.
A dark side that lurks ready to grab hold on of the firstcrack in a good guy´s armour and spin this weakness into a web of havoc and despair.

Cheers for that Mate ;D
BY the way, ive been called in for 6 interview´s today.
DAAMN im good! ;D